What are the minimum security requirements for your rental?

With the recent changes to rental property security standards now officially in place, you need to ensure your rental home meets the minimum security level requirements.

Your REIWA property manager will be able to assist you in this regard, but it’s a good idea to familiarise yourself with exactly what areas of the home have updated security requirements, so that you’re well informed of your responsibilities.

External doors

The minimum security level requirement for the main entry door of your rental property is either a deadlock or an Australian Standard 5039-2008 compliant key lockable security screen door.

The deadlock can either be a single cylinder, which can be opened from the inside, or a double cylinder deadlock, which has a keyed entry on both sides of the lock. The deadlock you choose can either be incorporated into the door handle or separate.

There is no need to retrofit security if there is already an Australian Standard compliant key lockable security screen with a deadlock fitted.

For all other external doors, the minimum security requirements is either;
• a deadlock,
• a patio bolt lock (if a deadlock cannot be installed),
• an 5039-2008 compliant key lockable security screen door.


All windows within the home must be fitted with a lock that prevents it from being opened from the outside.

While this does not mean having to install keyed window locks to every window, it does mean that all openable windows are fitted with latches, closers or locks.

External lighting

All rental properties in Western Australia must now have an electrical light at, or near, the main entry as a minimum security requirement. The light which you install must be capable of illuminating the main entry and needs to be able to be operated from the inside.