5 Key considerations when buying a commercial property

Understanding the key considerations in buying a commercial property will assist with a successful acquisition.

Navigating the purchase of a commercial property can be difficult simply due to the amount of considerations required, such as whether the yield is appropriate compared to wider market, its location, whether the property has an existing tenancy and the leasing terms surrounding this lease.

For first-time buyers, this may cause some stress and anxiety but for an experienced commercial investor these factors are simply opportunities for a better purchase.

We have summarised 5 key considerations when entering a negotiation on a commercial property to achieve more favourable purchase terms which may ultimately lead to a lower price.

1. What is the right commercial property for me?

This is the first and most important question you should ask, with the answer heavily dependent on your investment goals. Some properties offer significant depreciation benefits which owners can use to offset taxable income. Other properties offer strong rental returns which are purchased on the basis of cash returns. Once your investment objective is defined, the search for a property is easier and allows for a more strategic approach.

2. Historical performance

When considering a commercial asset for purchase, always undertake independent research to understand the historical performance of the asset and similar properties in the area. Assess its capital growth performance and yield, and while historical performance is not always indicative of the future, it gives a good indication of the strength of an area and asset type. To evaluate capital growth performance, investors should look at the property's historical prices, compare them to current prices, and assess the rate of increase in value. Its also best to consider external factors that may impact the performance of the property, such as changes in the economy, zoning laws, and infrastructure development.

3. Leasing and tenant

When it comes to buying commercial property, analyzing the leasing and tenant situation is a critical consideration. Assess and analyse any leasing documentation, confirm how the long the lease has to run and if it is, what are the chances that the property will be re-leased. Ensure you get a good understanding of the tenant and how strong their business is, make sure that they are not in arrears. Any outstanding debt should be factored into the purchase price to avoid any surprises or discrepancies.

4. Rents

Is the rent on the property in line with the general market rent? Its important to have a fair and reasonable rent that reflects the sector, geographical area, site, fit out. If rents aren’t in-line with market, this needs to be reflected in the purchase price.

In certain circumstances a tenant may pay a higher rent to repay a fit out funded by the Landlord, this is known as a special rent and special consideration needs to be given to the viability of the tenant to ensure they do not vacate, and a purchase price is paid over market.

5. Surprise costs

Will there be additional costs associated with the running and maintenance of the property as a result of the previous owners or tenants. How old is the building and do you need to allow for replacement of plant and equipment? Is there any potential site contamination that may require treatment or disposal at a significant expense? Consider these potential costs and factor these into any purchase price.

These are just some things to consider before acquiring a commercial property to ensure a successful purchase.

If you are looking to buy commercial property, make an informed decision and lean on an experienced commercial investor for strategic advice. Your Lever Property team is dedicated to achieving premium prices and maximising returns from your commercial property. Contact the team today to see how we can help.