Unlocking the Benefits: Going Concern and GST for Commercial Properties in Perth

Investing in commercial properties in Perth can be a smart financial decision, but it is essential to understand the various tax implications and regulations involved. In particular, understanding the concept of going concern and GST can help unlock significant benefits for commercial property owners and investors.

Understanding Going Concern and GST

Definition of Going Concern

Going concern is a fundamental concept in the world of business. It refers to the assumption that a business will continue to operate indefinitely, with no intention or need to liquidate or curtail its operations. This concept is important for investors, creditors, and other stakeholders, as it provides assurance that the business will be able to meet its obligations and generate profits in the long run.

When a commercial property is sold as a going concern, it means that the property is sold along with the underlying business operations that are essential to its continued success and profitability. This includes assets such as equipment, inventory, and goodwill, as well as intangible assets such as customer relationships and intellectual property. By selling the property as a going concern, the seller is able to transfer the business to a new owner without disrupting its operations or losing its value.

For example, imagine a successful restaurant that has been operating for many years. If the owner decides to sell the property, they could sell it as a going concern, which would include the restaurant’s equipment, inventory, and customer base. The new owner would then be able to take over the business operations and continue generating income from the property, without needing to start from scratch.

How GST Applies to Going Concern Transactions

GST (Goods and Services Tax) is a tax levied on most goods and services sold in Australia. It is designed to be a broad-based tax, meaning that it applies to a wide range of transactions and activities. However, there are certain exemptions and concessions available under the GST system, including for going concern transactions.

When a property is sold as a going concern, it is typically exempt from GST. This means that neither the seller nor the buyer needs to pay GST on the sale, provided that certain criteria are met. The criteria include:

  • The sale must be of a business that is a going concern;
  • The buyer must be registered for GST;
  • The parties must agree in writing that the sale is of a going concern; and
  • The seller must supply all of the things necessary for the continued operation of the business to the buyer.

If these criteria are met, the sale will be treated as a GST-free supply, which means that no GST is payable by either party. This can be a significant benefit for both the seller and the buyer, as it can reduce the overall cost of the transaction and make it more attractive.

Overall, understanding the concept of going concern and how it relates to GST can be important for anyone involved in buying or selling commercial property in Australia. By knowing the rules and requirements around these transactions, you can ensure that you are making informed decisions and getting the best possible outcome.

Advantages of Going Concern for Commercial Properties

GST Exemption Benefits

One of the most significant benefits of selling a commercial property as a going concern is the GST exemption. This means that the transaction is not subject to GST, resulting in significant cost savings for both the buyer and the seller. This can make the property more attractive to potential buyers, as it is a cost-effective way to invest in commercial property.

Furthermore, the GST exemption can be particularly advantageous for small business owners who may not have the resources to pay for GST upfront. This exemption can provide a much-needed cash flow boost to these business owners.

Streamlined Property Transactions

Another advantage of going concern transactions is that they are often more streamlined and straightforward than traditional property transactions. This is because the sale includes the underlying business operations, and as a result, there is less need for due diligence on the property itself.

Additionally, the buyer can benefit from the existing business infrastructure, such as equipment, inventory, and staff, which can make it easier to start operating the business immediately after the transaction is completed. This can save time and money, as the buyer does not have to spend additional resources setting up the business from scratch.

Potential for Increased Profitability

By buying a commercial property as a going concern, the new owner takes over a functioning business with an existing customer base and revenue stream. This provides the potential for increased profitability, as the new owner can build on the existing business structure and customer relationships.

Furthermore, the new owner can leverage the existing brand and reputation of the business to attract new customers and expand the customer base. This can lead to increased revenue and profits over time.

Long-Term Investment

Investing in a commercial property as a going concern can be a long-term investment strategy. By acquiring a business with a proven track record of profitability, the new owner can benefit from a steady stream of income over time.

Moreover, the value of the property may appreciate over time, providing the potential for capital gains when the property is eventually sold. This can provide a valuable source of retirement income for the owner.


In conclusion, there are many advantages to buying or selling a commercial property as a going concern. From cost savings to increased profitability, this type of transaction can be an attractive option for both buyers and sellers. Additionally, the streamlined nature of the transaction and the potential for long-term investment make it a compelling option for those looking to invest in commercial property.

Key Factors to Consider in Going Concern Transactions

Assessing the Viability of the Business

Before investing in a commercial property as a going concern, it is crucial to assess the viability of the underlying business. This includes evaluating its financial and operational performance, as well as the risks and opportunities it presents. It is important to engage professional advisors to help with this process.

One important factor to consider is the location of the business. A prime location can greatly increase the value of the property and the potential for success. Additionally, it is important to evaluate the competition in the area and the demand for the products or services offered by the business.

Another key consideration is the management team. A strong and experienced management team can greatly increase the chances of success for the business. It is important to evaluate the qualifications and experience of the management team before making an investment decision.

Ensuring Proper Documentation and Agreements

It is essential to ensure that all relevant documentation and agreements are in place before finalising a going concern transaction. This includes leases, licenses, contracts, and warranties, among others. Engaging experienced legal professionals can help ensure that all the necessary paperwork is complete and legally binding.

It is also important to consider any potential liabilities that may arise from the transaction. This includes evaluating any outstanding debts or legal disputes that the business may be involved in.

Engaging Professional Advice

Given the complexity of going concern transactions, it is vital to engage professional advisors such as lawyers, accountants, and tax experts. This will help ensure that the transaction is structured appropriately and all necessary tax obligations are met.

It is also important to consider the financing options available for the transaction. This includes evaluating the potential for financing through banks or other financial institutions, as well as the potential for seller financing or other creative financing options.

Overall, a thorough evaluation of the business and proper planning and documentation are essential for a successful going concern transaction. Engaging professional advisors can greatly increase the chances of success and help mitigate any potential risks.

Case Study: Successful Going Concern Transactions in Perth

Overview of the Commercial Property Market in Perth

Perth is a major commercial hub located in Western Australia, with a thriving business community and a diverse range of industries. The city’s strategic location and excellent infrastructure make it an attractive destination for investors looking to buy commercial property.

The retail sector in Perth is particularly active, with a strong demand for shopping centres and retail developments. The city’s bustling hospitality industry is also thriving, offering investors a range of opportunities to invest in hotels, restaurants, and cafes. Additionally, the healthcare industry in Perth is growing rapidly, with many new medical centres and hospitals being built to cater to the city’s expanding population.

Examples of Successful Going Concern Transactions

Perth has seen numerous successful going concern transactions in recent years, with many investors taking advantage of the city’s strong commercial property market. One notable example is a local property developer who sold a large retail development as a going concern in 2020.

The transaction was exempt from GST, resulting in substantial cost savings for both the buyer and the seller. The property was fully tenanted at the time of the sale, providing a stable income stream for the buyer. This successful transaction demonstrates the potential for investors to make significant returns in Perth’s retail sector.

In addition to the retail sector, there have also been successful going concern transactions in Perth’s hospitality industry. For example, a popular restaurant in the city was recently sold as a going concern, with the buyer taking over the existing lease and staff. This transaction allowed the new owner to quickly establish themselves in the competitive Perth restaurant scene, while also benefiting from an established customer base.

The healthcare industry in Perth has also seen successful going concern transactions, with many medical centres and hospitals being sold as going concerns. These transactions provide investors with the opportunity to acquire fully operational healthcare facilities, with existing staff and patient lists. This can be a valuable investment for those looking to enter the healthcare industry in Perth.

In conclusion, Perth’s strong commercial property market offers many opportunities for successful going concern transactions. With a diverse range of industries and a growing population, the city is an attractive destination for investors looking to buy commercial property.

Potential Risks and Challenges

Investing in a commercial property can be a lucrative venture, but it is not without its risks and challenges. Here are some additional details on the potential risks and challenges that buyers may face when acquiring a commercial property as a going concern.

Unforeseen Liabilities and Obligations

When buying a commercial property, it is important to conduct thorough due diligence to identify any potential liabilities and obligations associated with the business. This includes legal, financial, or operational risks that may affect the business in the future. However, even with thorough due diligence, there may be unforeseen liabilities and obligations that the new owner may inherit.

For example, if the previous owner did not disclose a pending lawsuit or an environmental issue, the new owner may be held responsible for any costs associated with resolving these issues. It is important to work with professional advisors to identify and mitigate these risks.

Changes in Market Conditions

The commercial property market is subject to sudden changes due to economic factors, market trends, and other external factors. These changes can affect the viability of the underlying business and impact the profitability of the investment.

For example, a sudden increase in interest rates can make it more difficult for businesses to borrow money, which can impact their ability to pay rent. Changes in consumer behaviour can also affect the demand for certain types of businesses, which can impact the value of the property.

It is important for buyers to stay informed about market changes and engage with professional advisors to adapt to changing conditions. This may involve making changes to the business model or finding new tenants to ensure the ongoing profitability of the investment.

Regulatory Compliance and Tax Implications

Going concern transactions can be subject to complex regulatory and tax requirements, which can be challenging to navigate without professional advice. Compliance with GST laws and other regulations is essential to avoid costly penalties and legal disputes.

For example, if the new owner fails to comply with GST laws, they may be subject to penalties and fines. It is important to work with professional advisors to ensure compliance with all regulatory and tax requirements.

In conclusion, investing in a commercial property as a going concern can be a profitable venture, but it is important to be aware of the potential risks and challenges. By conducting thorough due diligence, staying informed about market changes, and working with professional advisors, buyers can mitigate these risks and increase their chances of success.

Conclusion: Maximising the Benefits of Going Concern and GST for Commercial Properties in Perth

Going concern transactions offer significant benefits for commercial property buyers and sellers in Perth, including cost savings, streamlined transactions, and increased profitability. However, it is important to consider the potential risks and challenges associated with these transactions and engage professional advisors to ensure their success. By understanding the nuances of going concern and GST, commercial property investors can unlock significant benefits and make savvy investment decisions.